Ginger extract is made from the rhizome of the ginger plant (Zingiber officinale) obtained and belongs to the ginger family (Zingiberaceae). The (sub-) tropical reed-like medicinal plant can grow up to 1.5 meters high and is mainly grown in China, India, Nigeria, Japan and South American countries. The underground horizontally branched yellowish root is surrounded by a light brown layer. To obtain the extract, the rhizome is dried and then ground - essential ginger oil can be obtained using steam distillation.
The ginger root is a Wonder of nature and contains various essential oils such as zingiberol and pungent substances such as gingerol. In classical medicine, ginger was used early on as a natural remedy for gastrointestinal problems, nausea and vomiting as well as colds. In addition to these digestive and circulation-stimulating substances, ginger also contains vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium and phosphorus. Ginger also has an anti-inflammatory, antiviral effect and also promotes blood circulation, which is why ginger is also used in our sports gel.
Terry, R ., Posadzki, P., Watson, L. K. & Ernst, E. (2011). The Use of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) for the Treatment of Pain: A Systematic Review of Clinical Trials. Pain Medicine, 12(12), 1808–1818.
Bartels, E., Folmer, V., Bliddal, H., Altman, R., Juhl, C., Tarp, S., Zhang, W. & Christensen, R .(2015). Efficacy and safety of ginger in osteoarthritis patients: a meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 23(1), 13–21.
Terry, R., Posadzki, P., Watson, L. K. & Ernst, E. (2011). The Use of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) for the Treatment of Pain: A Systematic Review of Clinical Trials. Pain Medicine, 12(12), 1808–1818.